Aromatherapy Infusion
While the previous chapters talked about using aromatherapy on your skin, many people who have sensitive skin may think that they cannot enjoy the healing benefits of this art because of a sensitive skin condition. Wrong! If you have sensitive skin, you can still enjoy aromatherapy as it was truly meant to be enjoyed - just by scent.
We talked about using aromatherapy in perfumes as an aphrodisiac. Not only does the perfume cause the person who is using it to become aroused, but it can cause others who catch the scent o also become aroused. In this way, another individual is responding to aromatherapy through scent.
You have probably noticed different oils in the store that claim to give the benefits of aromatherapy. Most of these oils are synthetic and do little more than cosmetically cover up odors in your home. While having your home smell nice is a good bonus, it is not main use of aromatherapy.
When inhaled into the lungs, essential oils cause the same reaction in an individual as they will when applied to the skin. This means that you can just enjoy heating the oils in an infuser and breathing them in to cure what ails you. Infusers are sold in a variety of different places. Essentially, they are containers that can heat oil and send it wafting throughout the room. They can be heated either by candle or by electric.
Years ago, when ill, people would heat “vapors” in a pot, put a towel over their head and breath in the fume. The vapors were usually camphor. This would promote easier breathing and clear up congestion in the head and lungs.
Today, people who get sick rush to the drugstore and buy synthetic pills to ease congestion. No one ever thinks of home remedies that had been used for generations to cure minor ailments.
This is not to say that someone with pneumonia or a serious illness should ignore medical advice and try to cure themselves using essential oils. That would be irresponsible and foolish. However, someone who has a stuffy nose does not have to rush off and take pills. There are other avenues that are more natural and even more effective.
The same goes for depression. Chronic depression or depression that lasts for more than two weeks is a serious illness and should be treated by a physician. Someone who is suffering from anxiety attacks that are causing them to miss work or hyperventilate should seek medical help. Someone who has a broken leg or infected finger should go to a doctor.
That being said, someone who is a little bit upset because they broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend or may just be suffering from the blues does not need to rush to the doctor to get on SSRIs. Someone who is a little anxious about taking an exam for school does not need tranquilizers and someone who is sore because they work out a lot should not resort to addictive pain medication or even abuse over the counter pain pills. There is another way to treat minor ailments and conditions and that way is aromatherapy.
Furthermore, there is nothing to say that using aromatherapy in conjunction with medications cannot do wonders. Many people are enjoying the benefits derived from this alternative medicine that has been effective for thousands of years.
When using aromatherapy as a mood enhancer in an infuser, you do not need to dilute the oils. You can use any oils that you want, or a combination of oils, to set the mood. Here are some ways you can use aromatherapy in a variety of different infusers:
Aromatherapy Mood Enhancer Recipe
5 drops of orange 5 drops of jasmine
sure that you do not use the scents that are sold in the craft stores as they are usually not true essential oils but synthetic scents. Follow the directions on the box to make the candles.
Put them into an infuser that is either plugs into an electric socket or is heated by a candle and allow the scent to permeate the room.
Aromatherapy Romantic Mood Enhancer
This is simple - put a couple of drops of patchouli, jasmine or Ylang Ylang on the light bulb in your room. The light bulb can be used to heat the oil and will spread the scent in the room. All of these oils are potent aphrodisiacs.
Aromatherapy Relaxing Infusion
Get an electric infuser that is used to heat potpourri oil and put it in your room on your dresser. Add the following:
10 drops chamomile 2 drops vanilla 2 drops lavender
This will allow you to really relax as the scent takes over the room.
Scent has quite a bit to do with how we feel. The scent sends a signal to our brain and releases endorphins. You can actually put yourself in a better mood by scent, which is the basic concept of aromatherapy.
When we talk about aromatherapy today, we are discussing the use of essential oils to promote healing. However, the scent is a vital aspect to the healing powers involved in this alternative medicine. Even when you are using essential oils in a topical way, you are still breathing in the scent and getting the full effect of the true treatment.
You do not only have to use aromatherapy to heal. You can just use the essential oils as a way to make your home smell nice for all who visit. Because they are so concentrated, essential oils work well in homes where there is smoking or pets.
Other ways to use essential oils as an infusion method is to make your own candles. Candle making is not difficult. You simply need to melt wax and add color and scent. The color is actually optional. You have to put the melted wax into a container or mold with a wick so that it can be lit.
Making your own candles using essential oil is one of the best ways to continue to get the same effect of the oil. To make your own candles, go to a craft store such as Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and pick up a large brick of wax along with some wicks and wick holders. Wick holders are little metal fragments that keep the wick affixed in the mold. You can keep the wick straight by tying it around a pencil and laying the pencil across the top of the container.
You will have to heat the wax in a pot on the stove or, preferably, over a double boiler. The wax will seem like it is taking forever to melt, but once it starts, it melts very quickly so be prepared to remove it from the stove as soon as it melts all the way. You will see that the white chunk of wax is now clear.
You can then add about 10 drops of your essential oil to about every cup of wax. There are also dyes you can purchase to color the candles. Blend it with a spoon and pour the wax into jars or a mold. Allow the candles to set in room temperature over night. Make sure that the wicks are standing up straight before the wax sets. A candle without a wick is useless.
When you light the wick, it will begin to melt the wax and the scent will be given off into the room. You can light the candle any time you want and begin to get the effects of the essential oil immediately.
If you have never before made candles, get a candle making kit. Candle making with essential oils not only promotes healing, but can be a fun thing to do for the entire family. Young people in particular like to make candles. One of the first crafts that kids make in school is the old “milk carton candle.” Your children and you will not only enjoy making the candles, but also be able to benefit from the pleasant and healing scent that they emit.
9 i e `� .� sooth aching feet by rubbing firmly with your thumbs into the souls of your feet as well as the heel. This aromatherapy massage treatment can also be used on the body and is especially good at relieving joint pain for arthritis sufferers.
There are many other uses for aromatherapy massage. Once you become familiar with the concept of aromatherapy and the different uses for essential oils, you can make your own blends and treat a variety of minor ailments such as:
• Insomnia
• Menstrual cramps
• Bruises
• Mild depression
• Stress
• Memory improvement
• Anger relief
Aromatherapy massage is one of the most effective alternative healing methods used today. Although it has been used for centuries, the demand for massage therapy has doubled in the past decade. It looks as if many people have discovered the benefits of healing through aromatherapy massage treatment and are on their way to feeling good naturally.
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